Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Felt A Raindrop On My Shoulder

Use this little song to help preschoolers learn all about the weather.

Preschool: I Felt A Raindrop On My Shoulder

After singing each verse of this song, ask preschoolers to tell you what they need to be prepared for rain, snow, wind, or sun.

I Felt a Raindrop on My Shoulder

I felt a raindrop on my shoulder
If it’s raining, I won’t care.
Because the weather man has helped me
To always be prepared.
Today the weather will be…

I felt the wind upon my shoulder
If it’s windy, I won’t care.
Because the weather man has helped me
To always be prepared.

Today the weather will be…

I felt a snowflake on my shoulder
If it’s snowing, I won’t care.
Because the weather man has helped me
To always be prepared .

Today the weather will be…

I felt the sunshine on my shoulder
If it’s sunny, I won’t care.
Because the weather man has helped me
To always be prepared.

Today the weather will be…
Copyright ©2009 Deborah J. Stewart; All Rights Reserved!

Try some of these weather activities!! 

P is for Puddle!
R is for Rainy Day Rainbow!
U is for Umbrella!


  1. Hi Deborah,
    I have recently started a preschool blog for out integrated preschool program. I love a lot of your post and a lot of your entries would be great to share with parents. Would you mind if I shared some of your blog posts? I would give you full credit for all of them and direct parents to your site.

  2. Hi Anonymous:) I would be delighted to share my songs with your readers but can you give me a website address so I will know where they will be posted?


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